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Self Awareness Calendar and Newsletter - AUGUST

The more you’re prompted to prioritize yourself, the more the awareness of the needs of your present self increases. I hope my August Self Awareness Calendar serves you well.

You get a strange feeling when

you’re about to leave a place, I told him

Like you’ll not only miss the people you love

but you’ll miss the person you are now

at this time and place, because

you’ll never be this way

ever again

Azar Nafisi, “Reading Lolita in Tehran”

You always get a strange feeling when you’re about to make a significant change.

It’s almost as though you’re grieving your old ways as you tentatively step into the New with just a little bit of apprehension.

Maybe you don’t want to abandon everything with the change. Maybe you want to take a little bit of the old with you...for nostalgia sake. For comfort sake.

Remember, the only reason we cling to the old ways is because it’s familiar. We’ve grown accustomed to it. We’ve even learned to be numb to the pain and disappointment it brings.

New habits are hard to be consistent with.

I get it.

Especially when the old way is whispering to you to come back to the flawed, but yet oh so comfortable. Change and Transition is a necessary process to move to the next stage of our life journey. It may be uncomfortable. Unnerving even. But if we don’t allow ourselves to step out in faith, how will we ever grow?

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